Dance Reflection Essay - Personal Statement Example Instead of just a series of wiggles and shakes, dance has become, for me, an emotional experience that can be enjoyed on an artistic level. As I approach the end of this class, I will leave having had my viewpoint changed by an instruction on dance that is full of history, amazing athletics, and surprising emotions. Dance has a rich and vibrant history. In fact, even before history was written, people were creating music and expressing their joy, sorrow, spirituality, and pain. As events of life occurred, people would dance to celebrate, to appease their gods, and to announce a call to war. Whether it be with nothing other than a drum, or with the complicated musicality of a full orchestra, dance has been a part of human life throughout its history. Even in today’s life, weddings, schools, some churches, and crowds of people at music events, dance with the joy of the movement in their body.


Challenging the Obama Health Care Legislation - Research Paper Example Moreover, the petitioners claim that the new Act infringes the Tenth Amendment, emphasizing that a directive that coerces people to either get a health insurance or be penalized is undemocratic and unlawful (Bandow 2011). The Congress (2010) has once declared: “By most measures, we have the best medical care system in the world” (p. 32). Yet, there are still major problems and critical issue. A significant portion of the population does not have insurance and costs are continuously increasing. Failure to get a health insurance can prevent one from gaining access to preventative care. The uninsured are given treatment when s/he becomes sick, as recognized by the defendants since health care in the United States is commonly given because of incapacity to afford medical expenses or acquire a health insurance. Yet, the acquired costs to provide medical services to the uninsured are at times remain unpaid.

1. Globalization can be demonstrates a way towards a well-developed economy, cultural, political and technological interdependence through the national institution and economics. As countries reduce barriers to trade and investment, globalization force their industries to grow more competitive if they want to survive. Globalization is different from internationalization but it is characterized by denationalization. When the internationalization is higher in a country it can import and exports good, services, money and people across the national borders of the company. 2. Globalization of markets can be demonstrated as covering buyer preferences in markets around the world. This method covers in many products such as consumer goods, industrial products and business services. The globalization of markets is important to international business because it offers some benefits for these companies. There are few benefits have been described in follow. * Firstly it reduces marketing costs.

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