Question: Discuss about the Business Analysis Organizational Change and Management. Answer: Introduction: This report is about the business analysis of Blackberry. In order to get the desired level of success in the business of the company, the company needs to analyze the efficiency of the business operations and key resources for satisfying their customers. In this context, the value proposition, customer relationship and key resources of the organization have been analyzed in this paper aligned with the business operations of the company. Value Proposition: The high level of security of the products of the products of the company is the most important value added o the business. The demands of the Blackberry device in the corporate sector are very high due to this factors. The Effective design and high security systems of the device is making it different from the other similar types of products. In this context, the military officers have the high demand of the products for the security purposes (Sambamurthy Zmud, 2012).