Dracorex Hogwartsia - Facts and Figures The full name of this pachycephalosaur, or bone-headed dinosaur, is Dracorex hogwartsia (pronounced DRAY-co-rex hog-WART-see-ah), which is Greek for Dragon King of Hogwarts), and as you might have guessed, theres a story behind this. After it was excavated in 2004, in South Dakotas Hell Creek formation, the partial skull of this dinosaur was donated to the world-renowned Childrens Museum of Indianapolis, which invited visiting kids to name it as a promotional stunt. Considering the other possibilities, the allusion to the Harry Potter books (Draco Malfoy is Harry Potters ill-mannered nemesis, and Hogwarts is the school they both attend) doesnt seem quite so bad! The Complication of the Species Theres a significant amount of controversy about Dracorex among paleontologists, some of whom think this is really a species of the very similar-looking Stygimoloch (whose much less child-friendly name means horned demon from the river of hell.