Expositions On Bretton Woods System Presentation Bretton woods System is an administration money related guidelines which were built up for both business and budgetary relations among the world's mechanical states. In a perfect world, this guidelines concentrated on remaking the worldwide financial framework during the Second World War. 730 representatives from 44 related countries assembled at the Mount Washington Hotel situated in Bretton Woods in the United States. During the Bretton Worlds Conference, which happened somewhere in the range of first and 22nd July 1944, an understanding was marked (Bordo and Eichengreen 64). So as to think of this standards, the agents concocted the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development. These banks today structure a segment of the World Bank Group. Accordingly, these banks got operational in the year 1945 after an understanding of different nations. There was a solid accept that the framework would help the outside exchange balance.