What is a Hero - Essay ExampleThey are tempted to use their great strength to do good for themselves or their cause, but they have limitations that they may not know. In this way the heroes of epic stories tell us something about ourselves: although human beings are the strongest species on the planet we can often harm ourselves through our hubris. Hubris and Nemesis are issues that all heroes must face often on a huge and dramatic scale. In the end however, a hero is someone who proves their mettle by putting others interests before their own.A good example is in The Odyssey a remarkable story of one man’s journey back home, a journey of return to his loved ones. For Odysseus, nothing is more important that family. That said, there are other values in the story that are very important. One is a collection of martial values—honour, fellowship, solidarity—that runs like a golden thread throughout the story. Another is the duty of the living towards the dead. All of these have played an important role in my own life.
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Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators to Participation in Physical Activity for Children with Down Syndrome
Identifying the barriers and facilitators to participation in physical activity for children with Down syndrome. Images Authors: Barr M; Shields N Author Address: School of Physiotherapy and the Musculoskeletal Research Centre, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Vic. , Australia. Source: Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR [J Intellect Disabil Res] 2011 Nov; Vol. 55 (11), pp. 1020-33. Date of Electronic Publication: 2011 May 10.
Negative effects of cartoons Essay
Parents should limit the amount and the content of cartoons their children watch. Cartoons have a lot of negative impact on children because kids are very influential in a young age, watching cartoons that have violent and ill mannered content in it lets the children get exposed to such things at an age where they cannot yet distinguish right from wrong and reality from fake. Cartoons are negatively influential because they have too much violence, they make kids inactive and ultimately over weight, they set up a mind set for the child’s behavior and how they should act.Cartoons can be used for good things too, such as education for preschoolers or they can help infants and babies get linguistic exposure and start talking early. Cartoons can also be used as entertainment to keep kids out of trouble or occupied while their parents are busy doing something.